Solution is targeted at smaller production hubs, such as local and regional stations or OB van operations

Vizrt Trio Go sports package image 4

Vizrt has launched what it describes as an, “out-of-the-box” graphics, solution, Viz Trio Go. 

Targeting smaller production hubs, for example local and regional stations or OB vans, Viz Trio Go aims to be a more compact and affordable of Vizrt’s Viz Trio technology. Vizrt is offering a significant discount on Viz Trio Go with the purchase of a TriCaster or Viz 3Play, and NVG1 customers can trade in their units for Viz Trio Go and obtain a 50% discount until the end of the year.

It comes with free customisable graphics packages, modeled after, “the world’s top sports and news broadcasters”. The templates can be modified using Viz Artist, a real-time 3D motion graphics design tool used by graphics designers to build scenes for any type of media production including virtual sets.

Viz Trio Go news package

To support new users, Viz University has created a free course accessible from when the machine is turned on. No additional login is necessary, users are taken directly to the course from their monitor where they are taught about the Viz Trio software, Viz Engine, Viz Artist and more.

Ionut ‘Johnny’ Pogacean, senior product manager at Vizrt, said: “Historically, smaller, or more regional broadcasters operate with limited budgets, and limited resources – often one staff member wears many hats. We realize the challenges these stations are facing, including that to remain competitive in today’s current landscape, they must deliver content that is visually engaging, similar to the bigger broadcasters.”