Cloud production solution replaces need for OB truck

ASG Virtual OB Truck

Advanced Systems Group has launched Virtual Truck, a cloud production suite that could take the place of an OB truck.

Available in the US, the solution builds on ASG’s Virtual Production Control Room and offers public, private, or hybrid-hosted solutions. On-site cameras feed directly into encoders for IP transport into integrated cloud solutions. Cloud providers such as AWS (Amazon Web Services), and GCP (Google Cloud Platform) can host the production, with cloud tools from Vizrt, Gallery Sienna, Audinate, Telos, Solid State Logic, and Grass Valley, and more available. 

The Virtual Truck features a 44-input, eight M/E switcher; eight channels of replay; a flexible HTML5 or dedicated graphics station; 64-stereo, 44 bus return, and AES67 compatible audio; plus, a fully configured multi-channel beltpack and IFB comms system for cloud to/from on-site communications. Surella, a technology-focused production services and solutions company, is providing HD and 4K camera and support vehicles built to integrate on-site with ASG Virtual Trucks.

These resources can be spun up or down and configured to meet changing production needs, and delivering content for customers or private viewing stations for clients requires no additional satellite uplink. Broadcasters and streamers can simultaneously deliver multiple program versions and streaming formats to standard distribution outlets like YouTube, Facebook, or a CDN.

ASG provides assistance support with the initial setup, during full deployment, and with ongoing maintenance. Its production partner, Surella, can provide kit across the UK, Europe, and the US, and ASG is looking to bring in more partners in the future - with the Virtual Truck available globally. ASG opened a London office earlier this year.

“The Virtual Truck is a great example of cloud production democratizing live production and opening the field to a new generation of professionals,” said ASG President Dave Van Hoy. “It’s removing the barriers imposed by location-bound, costly, legacy hardware.”

Claudia Souza, chief cloud officer at ASG, added: “Our software-defined workflows mirror traditional production methods, enabling the use of familiar control surfaces to ensure a smooth and intuitive transition for technical artists and operators. We are excited to continue facilitating our industry’s transition to software-defined production solutions.”