TC Soho has adopted Base Media Cloud’s Storage as a Service platform.
Base will allow the company to provide the secure storage and distribution of file-based masters, including the Digital Production Partnership’s AS-11 standard.
TC Soho will also provide digitisation services for clients who have existing legacy tape-based media content that requires conversion to file-based formats for long-term digital storage, management and distribution.
TC Soho managing director JP Dash said: “New media file delivery standards mean that media companies are now rethinking the way they must store and distribute mastered content. Working with Base allows us to extend our storage needs at the touch of a button and provide our clients with visibility and access to their media, anytime and anywhere.”
“We wanted to give a full service offering without us having to put in our own storage infrastructure and the headache that goes with managing and building your own digital storage. That’s been the big drive for us to work with Base. It allows us to stick with our speciality which is post.”
Dash envisions offering several different kinds of service with the Base Cloud platform: “The first thing we’re offering our clients is an archive service for broadcast masters. We usually deliver on behalf of production companies with their own in house facilities.
“We take over the QC and the mastering of their broadcast files. Now, once we’ve prepped and QC’d and delivered to the broadcaster, we can take timeline and documentation, audio stems, graphics, as well as the digital master – in AS-11, for instance – and we can pop that onto Base, and they know it’s safe.
“The storage side of things is a completely different discipline from what we do,” says Dash, “I felt like this was a service we had to offer, but it wasn’t something we wanted to invest in ourselves and start buying lots of tin. Base allows us the flexibility to concentrate on what we do and not get distracted by trying to build something entirely new.”
Recently, Base also struck a deal with production facility Green Rock for backup and disaster recovery services, enabling the scheduled transfer of specific project and media files from the Green Rock’s Fitrovia premises across to Base Media Cloud’s cloud storage platform.
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