The film focuses on the relationship between Ferrari F1 drivers Gilles Villeneuve and Didier Pironi, prior to Villeneuve’s death at the Belgian Grand Prix in 1982

Villeneuve and Pironi - Motorsport images

Noah Media has released a clip from its forthcoming documentary – Villeneuve Pironi – which focuses on Canadian racing driver Gilles Villeneuve and his Ferrari F1 teammate Didier Pironi.

Villeneuve was killed in a crash at the Belgian Grand Prix in 1982 when he was just 32 years old. The footage from the documentary includes powerful interviews with Villeneuve’s family about his legacy and will be shown by an assortment of broadcasters ahead of this weekend’s Miami Grand Prix.

Villeneuve Pironi is being produced by Noah Media Group and Sky Studios for Sky and NBCUniversal and is set for release later this year.

The film tells the story of the ‘betrayal’ between Villeneuve and Pironi just weeks before Villeneuve’s death, where, in April 1982 Pironi is thought to have duped Villeneuve into conceding victory.

Villeneuve Family - Motorsport Images

During the race, Pironi gave the impression he would finish behind his teammate, only to unexpectedly power past him into the Tosa hairpin, despite the team having signaled both drivers to slow down.

The Villeneuve Pironi film is currently in production in the UK, Canada, France and Italy. Both the Villeneuve and Pironi families will contribute to the feature-length documentary. The film is being directed by Torquil Jones (14 Peaks: Nothing Is Impossible, Bobby Robson: More Than a Manager), and produced by John McKenna (14 Peaks: Nothing Is Impossible, Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans) as well as former Formula 1 driver Mark Webber.

Melanie Villeneuve said: “We are delighted to be working with Noah Media Group for the production of this docu-film. John Mckenna, Torquil Jones and the entire Noah team have done a tremendous job, doing extensive research, providing high-quality interviews and footage to tell a story which is important to my family.”