The company has consolidated operations in its Camden office

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Post-production house Fitzrovia Post has closed its Fitzrovia office (on 33 Gresse Street, pictured above) to consolidate operations in its Camden office at 24-28 Oval Road (pictured below).

Alongside closing the building, the company that formerly owned Fitzrovia Post – Fitzrovia Post Ltd – has been liquidated.

A statement of affairs released by the liquidator said the company had debts totalling around £1.3m, including liabilities of around £500,000 to HMRC, £230,000 to HSBC Bank and £310,000 to Weybourne Group.

The assets of Fitzrovia Post have been bought by Fizrovia Media Group Ltd, which is now running Fitzrovia Post at 24-28 Oval Road (pictured below).

Fitzrovia Post

The company originally opened in Camden last year, initially under the Spectrum name. Spectrum has now rebranded to Fitzrovia Post.

Fitzrovia Post focuses on audio post-production. It was acquired by owner and director Keiran Brown in 2019 who made considerable changes to the long-standing facility, including addressing the gender balance at the company so that the majority of positions at the company were taken up by women.

Furthermore, Brown introduced several policies aimed at enhancing the working conditions of his staff. These included transitioning staff to a four-day working week, where employees were paid for five days a week but only had to work four days.

As well as introducing the four day working week, Brown offered staff a monthly clothing allowance and other benefits.

Keiran Brown is the director of Fitzrovia Media Group Ltd, and continues as the owner and director of Fitzrovia Post.

Broadcast Tech spoke to Brown about the current changes at the post-production house. He told us: “We’re in the best position we’ve ever been in. I bought the company just before the pandemic and took on historical debts. The pandemic was a very difficult time for everyone but we got through it and managed our debts. But we were then hit with a £200K dilapidations bill when the lease on Gresse Street came up for renewal.

“We’d already opened in Camden as Spectrum and it made sense to move all our operations there and explore the liquidation of the limited company with the debts we couldn’t manage. We ceased trading this business some time ago, focusing our efforts on the new business in Camden.

“We saved all the jobs at Fitzrovia Post, saved the brand, and were able to continue working on all our clients’ productions. Our new building has disability access and space to accommodate radio drama, and we’ve been established there for more than six months now. We’re busy and have created a robust company and a better place to work that’s fully accessible to everyone.”

Brown also provided Broadcast Tech with the following statement:

“As business owners, we often have to navigate treacherous waters to secure jobs, keep the work flowing, and protect the legacy we’ve built. This sometimes comes at the cost of our own mental health, personal sacrifices, and enormous stress levels. I would encourage anyone facing similar difficulties to seek professional advice and support – without shame. The liquidation of Fitzrovia Post Limited was an unavoidable decision, driven by external financial pressures, and that company ceased trading some time ago. However, we have rebuilt stronger, and our new structure is robust.

“Our team has been instrumental in helping us navigate these challenges, and together we’ve built something stronger. Our clients’ trust and continued support have been invaluable, and we are more committed than ever to delivering excellence.

Despite these challenges, I feel incredibly positive about the future, with the new iteration of Fitzrovia and the rebrand of our Spectrum Camden business. I am deeply committed to the sector, our team, and our clients, and I’m excited to continue building something even stronger.”