He replaces Charles Adamo, who had held the role since the organisation was founded

Mark Kermode PTO triathlon

Chris Kermode has replaced Charles Adamo as the executive chairman of the Professional Triathletes Organisation. 

Adamo leaves the role after holding it since the organisation’s founding in 2016.

Kermode, has been on the PTO’s board of directors since July 2020, started his career as a professional tennis player from 1985-1988, after which he held a number of leadership positions in tennis, rising to the role of executive chairman and president of the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP).

Successes during his time at the ATP include the growth of the World Tour Finals and the launch of the Next Gen Finals.

Kermode said: “It is a privilege to be given the opportunity to help accelerate the PTO’s mission and support the PTO Professionals. Over the last two years we have made great strides in establishing our events and lifting the triathlon broadcasts to the next level.  The PTO business model and the triathlon market is compelling, with many similarities to professional tennis which began to boom once the professionals started to act together to promote the sport through expanding their fan base.

“Professional triathlon has enormous potential to develop into a mainstream sport. This will require a unified front from the professionals and aligned interests with the commercial partners. That is why the unique ownership structure of the PTO, where the professionals and investors have ownership interests in the success of the venture, is so valuable and why I am confident that the PTO can be the catalyst that turns triathlon into a success and a mainstream sport.” 

Adamo added: “In 2016, when I first began to help professional triathletes who had a vision to have their own organisation and transform the sport, I expected it to be a 6–12-month project. Now nearly seven years later it is a joy for me see how the PTO has established itself and PTO Professionals, against all odds and expectations, have been able to unite to transform the sport. With a committed investor base, dedicated management team and athlete unity so much has been accomplished and even greater milestones are on the horizon. Under the able leadership of Chris as chairman, the PTO is poised to build on its accomplishments and take our sport to new heights.”

Tim O’Donnell, PTO athlete board member and one of founding athlete members of the PTO, stated: “On behalf of all PTO Professionals, we are grateful for Charles’ leadership in helping guide the PTO and giving professional triathletes their own organisation. Without his perseverance, there would be no PTO – he believed in our vision when no one else did and in the face of doubt and criticism refused to be deterred. A big thanks to Charles from all PTO Professionals.”