Wimbledon Film & TV Studios, the former home to The Bill, is scrapping its Sun Hill Police Station set to free up space for a bigger media village.
The current Media Village is home to 50 businesses, including kit suppliers Decode, Sue Rider management and product placement firm The Big Film Group.
The renovation work will result in an extra 8,000 sq ft of office space which the studio said would be allow it to house 25 more companies.
It will also give the media village a dedicated entrance.
Wimbledon Film & TV Studios managing director Piers Read said: “Once complete, the complex will be able to house at least 75 media companies all of which will be available to the productions that visit the studios, and of course to the international TV and film community – our aim being to give them everything they need on their production’s door step.”
The new offices will be available from 15 June.
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