“This emotional film from director Catey Sexton was simple but effective”
“Occasionally, this programme recounts the pandemic narrative in an over simplistic way, but documentary-maker Catey Sexton is not aiming to provide a rigorous history. Instead, she has focused on capturing an emotional reality. For most of us, the pandemic was like a bad dream from which we have woken. But not for these families.”
Rachel Aroesti, The Guardian
“For many people it feels like a horrible distant memory we try to banish. But Love and Loss: The Pandemic 5 Years On was a heartbreaking reminder that those who did lose someone do not have that luxury.”
Carol Midgley, The Times
“This emotional film from director Catey Sexton was simple but effective. It reminded us of those deaths by inviting the bereaved to talk about the relatives they lost.”
Anita Singh, The Telegraph
“Love And Loss: The Pandemic 5 Years On was a shattering examination of how Covid-19 inflicted the greatest loss of life on British families since World War II. This series of sensitively edited interviews with parents, widows and adult children was never exploitative or intrusive, but neither did it hide from the agony of sudden loss.”
Christopher Stevens, Daily Mail
“To her credit, and to the film’s benefit, Sexton largely either keeps her own experience out of the story she’s telling or intertwines it with the grief of the other bereaved people she interviews. Her subjects know she understands and the result is an essential act of communal witness and remembrance. The film’s narrative is essentially linear, a simple decision that gives the film a gently simmering polemical power. This is, rightly, never allowed to overwhelm the personal stories of loss – but equally correctly, never quite dissipates either.”
Phil Harrison, The Independent
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