Tool can ingest and comprehend scripts, turning them into editable storyboards

Livingstoryboard-01 TurnPost

Turnpost has launched an AI-powered production workflow management platform.

It hopes that this tool, which works with macOS, will allow for early decision making, mitigating downstream risks, and increasing time in development and pre-production as opposed to fixing everything in post.

Turnpost is able to ingest and comprehend scripts, generating and controlling generative assets - both audio dialog and visuals - to create a “living storyboard”. Users can then refine and edit all assets using multi-modal methods, progressively adding granular details to the scenes and shots, such as costume design, locations, shot angles, light, movement and actors/characters. The platform will also include temporal comprehension, so that if something changes in one scene, all other scenes at the same time and location will be updated automatically.

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Currently in beta, and expected to leave beta in Q4 of this year, Turnpost will also offer fully featured asset management for pre-production, production, and post assets; live budget analysis connected to decision-making points; derivative outputs, such as animatics, pre-visualized scenes, schedules, budgets; “military grade” security with biometrics; live collaboration; plugins to industry-standard tools; cloud access; and more. Examples of plugins include editors using Final Cut being able to use a plugin to find all shots with a specific emotional tone using a natural language search. 

Turnpost estimates that this could save up to 20% of the below-the-line budget, depending on the type of production.

Turnpost CEO Tom Granberg said: “With the launch of Turnpost, the standard response of ‘fix it in post’ will become a bad memory of the past. All of our team comes from the Hollywood mainstream and all of us have suffered in the past with the deficiencies of the old way of production – shooting multiple takes of a scene hoping to get the perfect shot, trying to fix out-of-control production and post costs, and more. We have created a platform to be used and appreciated as much by the production team as the creative – our AI is a tool for the creative process, never a replacement for it.”

The company has raised $1 million (£790,000) in an early friends and family round led by entertainment and technology angel investor Earl Jarred, and three unnamed Hollywood feature films in development have committed to adopting the solution in 2025 - including two from well-known producer Andy Horwitz. Turnpost has been in active development and pre-sales outreach since June 2023, and is now coming out of “stealth” mode, with its seed round of funding opening this month.