DMC lowered operating costs and decreased its carbon footprint with the AMPP platform


DMC Production used Grass Valley’s AMPP to live stream the 2024 RallyX championship via YouTube.

DMC adapted its live remote broadcast workflow to use AMPP’s live video production and processing services, and is now planning to continue to do so at other remote high-profile sports and entertainment productions after this success.

Previously DMC deployed two large OB trucks to each site, equipped with utility, mobile control rooms and operators. In contrast, the compact AMPP live production server setup required only two small vans per site. This significantly reduced the need for large OB vans, lowered operating costs such as fuel and travel, reduced crew sizes, and decreased the carbon footprint.

It also helped with connectivity, using a 100 Mb/s public internet connection from the racetrack to DMC’s remote production centre.


DMC MD Johan Hedblom decentralised the company’s production infrastructure with AMPP, while head of networks Adrian Falck helped configure and plan the technical setup. 

Jens Envall, CTO of DMC Production Sweden, said: “AMPP is a game-changer that is dramatically transforming our live remote video production of RallyX and ultimately other media and entertainment events globally. AMPP’s scalability and agility is remarkable. We can easily scale up the number of cameras, add production sites and stream program outputs to any of our remote production centers if needed. AMPP is saving us valuable time, reducing travel time and costs, and allowing us to use our resources, skilled operators and talent how and where it benefits us most.”

Adam Marshall, chief product officer at Grass Valley, said: “We’re extremely pleased to collaborate closely with DMC Production to realize their innovative live remote video production workflow. Following the continued success of the RallyX production, DMC is well-poised to further benefit from our cutting-edge AMPP technology platform. Together, we’re re-imagining traditional broadcast workflows and reshaping the landscape for live media and entertainment productions globally.”