Footballco’s Mundial brand has worked on documentary

LA WOLVES SHOT 3 Footballco Mundial

Footballco and Wolves have worked together on 1967: When Wolves Conquered the USA, a documentary looking at the first football tournament played in the US.

12 teams from around the globe, including eventual winner Wolves, were invited to represent different US locations in the competition, which was run by the United Soccer Association. Mundial, one of Footballco’s editorial brands, has worked on the project, with editorial director Owen Blackhurst, Footballco’s Max Agostini and cinematographer Matt Sellers working alongside Wolves video manager Yannie Makarounas - director and producer of Raul Jimenez: Code Red - on the film.

The film features contributions from Sports executive Alan Rothenberg – who went on to be instrumental in the establishment of the MLS and the US’ hosting of the 1994 World Cup – and LA Times sportswriter Kevin Baxter. It also includes interviews with Wolves’ Parkes, Taylor, Wharton, Les Wilson, Washington Whips’ Bobby Clark and Jim Whyte, and journalists David Instone and Dave Harrison.

The documentary will be released in September, and you can watch the trailer below.

Blackhurst said: “It’s a story which hasn’t been told – or hasn’t been told properly – which is always important, but it’s also such a good one.It’s a time in football which no-one really knows about. The MLS story has been told, the NASL story has been told, but this story hasn’t

“This documentary is not just about the football, it’s about the human stories and the people who did something which changed their lives in a small or big way. Some of these players were kids who had never left their homes before. They were growing up in fairly industrial places, so to be transported from 1960s Wolverhampton to 60s LA must have been mind-blowing. They described it as like being on the moon.

“There is so much good to tell as it gave people such an amazing time in their lives and informed what they did for the rest of their careers.

“It’s almost 60 years on and when you speak to those involved, they light up and remember a lot of it like it was yesterday, which tells you why this story is so special and why we wanted to tell it.”

Makarounas added: “It’s an amazing story and one which we are proud and privileged to be able to share with the wider world, having worked very closely on the documentary with Footballco and Mundial during the last 12 months.

“There are avid Wolves fans who either don’t remember this story or don’t even know it ever happened, which is something almost unheard of when it comes to Wolves.

“Everyone knows the stories of Honved and the floodlit friendlies at Molineux which helped launch European club football, everyone knows about our English league title wins, our FA Cups and our League Cups, but the story of LA Wolves and the influence the club had on football in the US has gone under the radar, but it’s up to us to tell it in the most interesting way possible.

“It’s not been easy because it happened a long time ago and a lot has changed since 1967, but Wolves fans – and fans of football in general – will really enjoy what is a really fascinating and exciting documentary.”

Alan Rothenberg explained: “The 1966 World Cup was carried by satellite into the United States, and so a bunch of sportsmen decided to start a league.

“People will look back and say what was the history of soccer in this country, and people will have to go back to 1967 and say this is where it all began.”

Kevin Baxter said: “The idea of professional soccer in the United States, no one had ever really thought about that, not at that level.

“The US didn’t qualify for World Cup between 1950 and 1990, so soccer was dead – and then the Wolves come along.

“There isn’t that tradition here that maybe there is in England or Europe where teams are a hundred years old. Everything has to be new here. There is that legacy. They proved that it could work.”