Wonder Animation can film and edit sequences with multiple cuts and various shots before turning them into 3D animations

Wonder Animation 2

Wonder Dynamics has launched a beta for Wonder Animation, an AI-powered tool that can turn any video into a 3D animation.

Users can shoot with any camera at any location, and then Wonder Animation uses AI to reconstruct the scene in a 3D space and matches the position and movement of each camera’s relationship to the characters and environment. This can be done with all sequences, whether or not they include multiple cuts or various shots, and the result can then be enhanced by a human VFX artist. 

It creates a virtual representation of an artist’s live-action scene containing all camera setups and character body and face animation in one 3D scene, with fully editable elements (animation, character, environment, lighting, and camera tracking data) in their preferred software, such as Maya, Blender or Unreal.

Autodesk acquired Wonder Dynamics earlier this year, with the promise to add the company’s AI tools into its VFX products.

The beta is now available to all Wonder Studio users, and you can watch a video explanation below.