Service becomes first to provide per-frame map data


Clear Angle Studios, DI4D, and TexturingXYZ have launched a 4D facial mocap service, which is the first to provide per-frame map data.

Clear Angle is providing its capture technology, DI4D is providing its markerless mesh tracking, and TexturingXYZ is enhancing the micro skin details on the maps using its advanced Hyperskin technology. 

4D capture records scans in motion, so an animator isn’t needed to intepret movement, as one is for 3D capture. As such, 4D capture aims to improve micro skin texture mapping, as well as light reflections on the skin. 4D capture was used in the CG mocap film, which was made without a facial animatio rig, produced by DI4D earlier this year. You can see how it’s done in the video below.

Dominic Ridley, co-founder and CEO of Clear Angle Studios, said: “For more than a decade, we’ve provided full body character, head and prop scanning, LiDAR and environment capture along with 3D scan processing for some of the most recognisable studios in the business. I’m immensely proud to be able to apply our learnings and expertise from that journey to this advancement in 4D capture, which we and our partners will offer as a single service to the entertainment industry. Once again this is an advancement only made possible through teamwork and collaboration with fantastic people!”

Colin Urquhart, co-founder and CEO of DI4D, said: “DI4D pioneered the use of 4D facial capture and have been leaders in the field for over 20 years. We’re very excited to be collaborating with Clear Angle Studios and TexturingXYZ – two world-renowned leaders in the fields of 3D scanning and texture map generation. By combining their expertise with our world-leading 4D tracking capability, we are able to produce groundbreaking 4D data with highly accurate per frame diffuse, normal and displacement maps, resulting in the most realistic performance driven facial animation possible.”

Jeremy Celeste, CEO of TexturingXYZ, said: “At TexturingXYZ, our mission has always been to empower artists with the highest quality texture maps, enabling them to create stunningly realistic digital humans. This collaboration is a testament to what can be achieved when industry leaders combine their unique strengths. We’re excited to contribute our expertise to this revolutionary 4D capture process, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in digital entertainment.”