The show is hosted by Laura Woods and Ally McCoist who are joined by special guests to share stories and relive memories of the year of sport
TNT Sports is airing a one-off look back at the year called For The Love of The Game, which premieres on Friday (6 December).
The show will be hosted by Laura Woods and Ally McCoist who are joined by special guests to share stories, relive memories, and review the year of sports on TNT Sports.
The hour-long special will feature former Liverpool and England footballers John Barnes and Steve McManaman, South African Rugby World Cup winner, Bryan Habana, and boxing journalist and broadcaster, Steve Bunce, to discuss the biggest talking points in their sports and look back at their careers .
For The Love of The Game will premiere on discovery+ on 6 December and be shown on TNT Sports 1 on Saturday 7 December at 10am.
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