Aldgate Pictures for BBC 

This unanimous winner was praised for being “utterly compelling”, with what one judge described as “a performance that hooked me from the first moment Raye stepped onto stage”. 

The show itself aimed to capture the alchemy that happens when artist, audience and venue come together to create a star-is-born moment. For this one-off show designed to celebrate Raye’s debut album My 21st Century Blues, producer Amy James assembled a strong team to respond to director Paul Dugdale’s visual ambition. Their collaboration delivered a visual impact blending the intimate with the epic. 

Months of pre-planning with producing partner Stefan Demetriou – with Raye’s team involvement – and discussions with the BBC’s Jonny Rothery and Rachel Davies ensured that even though there was just one chance to get this right, the show would be a triumph. 


One judge said the production “exemplifies the vital importance of preparation, collaboration and passion from a director as they created one of the stand-out television moments of the year, transcending genre”. 

Another said: “Simply brilliant…brought to screen by a team that truly understood the artist’s vision and pulled it off.”. 

Drawing together the sentiments of their peers, one judge summed it up as: “Breathtaking, a seminal piece of art. Performance, music, production seamlessly came together in a moment of true excellence. This is a standard setter for the industry. It felt like a privilege to watch a performer at the peak of her career. A famous venue but filmed in a way that we have never seen before.”


Big Night of Musicals by The National Lottery
TBI Media for BBC  

This event was billed as a ‘joyful celebration of musical theatre on an unprecedented scale’, putting UK theatre at the forefront of the public consciousness through large-scale, world-class performances and providing a significant uplift in support for musical theatre following transmission’. The wide variety and prestige of the performances delivered huge social media traction, with clips reaching over 10m views across the BBC’s digital platforms.


Coldplay at Glastonbury 2024
BBC Studios & BBC Studios Music Productions for BBC  

Glastonbury 2024 was another triumph for the BBC, with one of the headline acts spearheading the 40+ hours of programming across three BBC network channels and two dedicated BBC iPlayer Glastonbury channels. Airing globally for the first time, BBCS was keen to surpass what they’d done before, creating a high-impact performance, on an even grander scale.  


D-Day 80: The Allies Prepare
BBC Studios for BBC 

The first of a series of commemorations to honour the Normandy landings, the BBC Studios team attempted to provide a modern and fresh approach to marking an anniversary of deep historical significance – weaving music, dance, and spoken word together to pay tribute to all those who were essential to the success of D-Day and the liberation of Europe. 


Jools’ Annual Hootenanny
BBC Studios Music Productions for BBC 

Hootenanny continues to be appointment-to-view TV for millions of viewers in the UK at New Year. For 2024, the programme peaked at 3.6m and saw Holland host a diverse line-up of guest singers to perform with his Rhythm & Blues orchestra, spanning icons like Rod Stewart, P.P. Arnold, Manfred Mann frontman Paul Jones, Olivia Dean and Raye among many more.  

Jools Annual Hootenanny

Peaky Blinders: Rambert’s The Redemption of Thomas Shelby
Rambert & North South for BBC 

This reimagining of the BBC’s iconic period gangster series set about trying to redefine how audiences experience staged performances. The adaptation merges Steven Knight’s gritty TV narrative and storytelling with Rambert’s extraordinary contemporary dance, creating a unique experience.

The approach bridged the gap between live theatre and digital broadcast, delivered through music, dance and narrative storytelling. 

Peaky Blinders