Wimbledon Film and Television Studios has revamped its wardrobe department and launched it as a standalone business known as Wear Wimbledon.

The facility’s 45,000 costumes, including 200 police and emergency service costumes from The Bill, will be offered to film, television and theatre clients as well as the public.

Wear Wimbledon will be headed up by the studios’ costume supervisor, Jen Davies, who joined the studio at the end of last year.

Her credits include BBC dramas The Paradise and The White Queen.

Wimbledon Film and Television Studios managing director Piers Read said: “Our costume department has always been one of our main unique selling points and now with Jen on board the whole department has a new lease of life.

“We have developed the studios into a fully-serviced media hub, acting as a ‘one-stop shop’ and the launch of Wear Wimbledon is a true reflection of the full-breadth of what we have on offer.”