”The titular lake makes Broadchurch’s Jurassic Coast look like a Butlin’s car park on a grey day in February”
Vanished by the Lake, Channel 4
The plot line might sound on paper like a Gallic Broadchurch. And in many ways it is, but with much better-looking people and lots of lovely cashmere.
Bernadette McNulty, The i
The titular lake is a brochure-worthy expanse of twinkling turquoise in Provence that makes Broadchurch’s Jurassic Coast look like a Butlin’s car park on a grey day in February.
Ellen E. Jones, The Guardian
The cast is good and the dialogue understated, so although it feels like a well-worn path to cliché there is enough quality to keep watching.
Carol Midgley, The Times
Detectorists, BBC4
It has been a remarkable series paying tribute to the glory of unremarkable lives. I’ll miss it.
Carol Midgley, The Times
Penelope Keith’s Coastal Village, More4
While the scenery is undeniably lovely, it is interspersed with some unforgivably dull excursions to sites of non-interest.
Bancroft, ITV
A lot of suspension was required – as the plot jackknifed from merely far-fetched to actively fantastical and all involved got into the spirit by delivering their lines as if putting in a late audition for panto season.
If you want to know how far people will go to win a pointless prize, this is the show to watch. It’s far wittier than the Apprentice — and much shorter.
Christopher Stevens, Daily Mail
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