“Although lacking in high drama, this episode offered up some interesting social history”

Who Do You Think You Are

“Rose Ayling-Ellis might not have unearthed the most exciting ancestry stories for Who Do You Think You Are? but she is surely one of the most pleasant celebrities this series has featured. Her face (she is 29 but looked closer to 19) lit up with every discovery, however small. Unlike some celebrities who overemote and turn on the waterworks over some great-great-great-aunt they heard about five minutes ago, Ayling-Ellis’s reactions looked genuine and spontaneous.”
Carol Midgley, The Times

“Although lacking in high drama, this episode offered up some interesting social history.”
Anita Singh, The Telegraph

“As Rose discovered that her four-times-great-grandfather Pasquel Lyons was an itinerant jewellery pedlar born in Italy, I fully expected her to give Giovanni a call to announce their shared nationality. That didn’t happen. He wasn’t even mentioned. It raises the question of why the tenuous connection to Italy was highlighted in the first place. Because that question was left hanging, it spoiled what had been an enjoyable programme till that point.”
Christopher Stevens, Daily Mail

“This episode, in which Dr Michael Mosley swallowed a ‘pill camera’ so we could see inside his digestive system (it ran out of battery), was another reminder of what a vibrant, upbeat public educator we have lost. He made the complex sound so simple.”
Carol Midgley, The Times
