“Series three’s beautiful character work feels like a chef adding top notes to an already excellent recipe”

The Bear

The Bear, Disney+

“For all that The Bear continues to deliver on its visual splendour – its intensity and the chaos of the kitchen – something is lost in this new series. The stakes feel lower with the restaurant now open and Richie having found some meaning in the front of house. If the first series was about returning to your roots and the second about turning those roots into a nice, earthy terrine, what drives this third instalment? The cast are still exceptional but the show is starting to feel repetitious.”
Nick Hilton, The Independent

“There is no doubt that The Bear remains among the very best shows on television, its own non-negotiables – a singular marriage of peace and chaos framed in superb camerawork and terrific performances – are all present and correct. Could it have pushed it more in season three, let it rip, strived ever more for excellence and vibrant collaboration? I know what Carmy would say.”
Benji Wilson, The Telegraph

“The show is always innovative in its storytelling and while the use of flashback and fast-paced montage no longer comes as a surprise, both are used deftly to weave together the strands of The Bear’s communal story with some gorgeous moments of serendipity along the way. The Bear – both the show and the restaurant – is about its people, and series three’s beautiful character work feels like a chef adding top notes to an already excellent recipe, its flavours singing more harmoniously than ever.”
Rachel Sigee, The i

Supacell, Netflix

“Even without seeing the final episode, it’s clear that this is a world crying out for more exploration. The intriguing sci-fi elements and the ingenious ways characters react to getting powers – from fighting off bailiffs to trying to prevent sexual violence – are just the beginning. This is not your typical superhero origin story, where preserving truth, justice and the American way is the primary concern.”
Leila Latif, The Guardian

“Overall, it’s a bold concept, a heady blend of the ordinary and extraordinary. I just preferred the ordinary. They are an engaging ensemble and Rapman is skilled at making us care about their lives. Michael is almost impossibly sweet, while Andre’s wish to become close to his teenage son felt genuinely affecting. I preferred these textured human moments over nearly all the whizzbang superpower scenes. It is a genre that is always in danger of feeling a bit silly whoever takes it on.”
Ben Dowell, The Times

Land of Women, Apple TV

“Half of all dramas still seem to start with a woman in a nightdress fleeing through a forest at night, to escape an unfaithful husband, a serial killer or a wildfire — the very antithesis of feelgood. But Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria has the recipe to change that, with her Apple TV+ serial Land Of Women. It’s ruthlessly calculated to make us smile as we well up with a touch of melancholy, while admiring the haute couture.”
Christopher Stevens, The Daily Mail
