“Fascinating though it is to watch, the documentary’s jaunty tone might jar”

Thames Water: Inside The Crisis

Thames Water: Inside the Crisis, BBC2

“Inside the Crisis provides a lucid explanation of the historical and present situation and a phenomenal portrait of the kinds of people that comprise a business (and how they are distributed across the hierarchy). Directors of communications should certainly study it. The public should watch, too.”
Lucy Mangan, The Guardian

“Thames Water seems to have decided that its reputation can’t get any worse so it may as well play the transparency card, hence Thames Water: Inside the Crisis. It might work but I suspect not as well as the company hopes. Fascinating though it is to watch, a form of armchair rubber-necking, the documentary’s jaunty tone might jar.”
Carol Midgley, The Times

Tempting Fortune, Channel 4

“Tempting Fortune is trash TV, with no pretensions. Unlike other C4 offerings, such as The Island With Bear Grylls, this show doesn’t claim to be a genuine psychological experiment or test of endurance. It’s fake, of course it is — the producers have stuck a pub in the middle of the jungle, for goodness sake. But it does have a social relevance that eludes most reality series.”
Christopher Stevens, Daily Mail
