“This is highly entertaining, eye-opening stuff”

Saucy! Secrets of the British Sex Comedy

Saucy! Secrets of the British Sex Comedy, Channel 4

“Fond amusement is mostly the point (I think) of this clear-eyed look at a short-lived British phenomenon. The documentary is as gregarious and cheeky as the subject matter demands, but it takes a sensitive, contemporary view on it, too, and allows the people involved to explore every side of the story. Nevertheless, this is highly entertaining, eye-opening stuff.”
Rebecca Nicholson, The Guardian

“This is a rather fun series about that peculiar era of 1970s British sex films, some of which looked about as erotic as an episode of On The Buses. Even I, definitely not a young person, was surprised to see the levels of nudity and simulated sex involved, because I had imagined these films to be at the Benny Hill level of seaside smut, but they went quite a bit further than that. Yet it all seemed silly rather than seedy, and the actresses – still gorgeous after all these years – mostly looked back with laughter and affection.”
Anita Singh, The Telegraph

“As Saucy! Secrets of the British Sex Comedy showed, it wasn’t all giggly ‘I love a good stuffing’ seaside postcard double entendres. Former actresses told how they hated having to strip naked and resented being valued ‘from the neck down’. Worse, there were tales of groping and casting couches, although others seemed to think it was a bit of a laugh. The images and soundbites in this documentary came at you so quickly that it was almost dizzying.”
Carol Midgley, The Times

“Saucy! Secrets of the British Sex Comedy was a scholarly deep dive into a largely (and some would say, rightly) forgotten slice of cinematic history. There was a lot packed into this one-hour documentary.”
Gerard Gilbert, The i
