“It emphasises the effort that goes into reaching the top level of competition, with pipe majors who give it everything”

Battle of the Bagpipes

“It is a very traditional documentary, which picks out some individual stories – a soldier who can play the pipes but can’t master the Highland dancing; an American teenager who has come all the way from California to join the Inveraray & District Pipe Band – but resists any temptation to make this all about the personalities. Instead, it emphasises the effort that goes into reaching the top level of competition, with pipe majors who give it everything.”
Anita Singh, The Telegraph

“You might say a series about pipers should include lots of piping. That’s well and good, but music, whatever the instrument or genre, is ultimately about people connecting with one another. There were some great stories to be told here, but they were drowned out by Battle of the Bagpipes’ determination to be just another box-ticking documentary by numbers.”
Ed Power, The i

“Some of the women attempt to analyse him psychologically. But what this documentary is missing is analysis from a real psychologist. It is crying out for experts to explain the ’Superman’ syndrome.”
Carol Midgley, The Times

The Footballer Fraudster, ITV1

“Strip away the paparazzi trappings and these crimes are tawdry. But the mindset of both victim and perpetrator is fascinating, and forensic psychologist Donna Youngs dissected it with precision.”
Christopher Stevens, Daily Mail 
