“This lively film struck the right balance between irreverence and informative analysis.” Read on for the critics' full verdict on last night's TV.
  • Imagine: Yes We Can! The Lost Art of Oratory, BBC1
    “It's surprising that Alan Yentob's impeccably intentioned project kept itself so firmly rooted in the West. If black Americans admire Obama's oratory, it might also be because of the strong speaking traditions in Africa.”
    Matt Baylis, Daily Express

  • Imagine: Yes We Can! The Lost Art of Oratory, BBC1
    “This lively film struck the right balance between irreverence and informative analysis.”
    Paul Whitelaw, The Scotsman

  • Five Minutes of Heaven, BBC2
    “It's strong stuff, thoughtful and powerful; even if the pace sometimes flags, the two big names [Liam Neeson and James Nesbitt] carry you through.”
    Sam Wollaston, The Guardian

  • The No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, BBC1
    “Makes Lewis look like The Wire.”
    Sam Wollaston, The Guardian
