'(I can hear myself turning into Queen Victoria) I am not amused.' Read on for the critics' full verdict on last night's TV.

Dexter, ITV1
“Yes, Dexter is an attractive, witty character, as in the novels, but we actually see the violence, changing the tone of the thing entirely. This is one that works well in print. Not so well, though, off the page.”
Virginia Blackburn, Daily Express

Dexter, ITV1
“The longer the programme went on, the more the suspicion grew that it's not only Dexter who's cold under that good-looking exterior; it's also the show itself.”
James Walton, The Daily Telegraph

Dexter, ITV1
“(I can hear myself turning into Queen Victoria) I am not amused.”
Nancy Banks Smith, The Guardian

Torchwood, BBC2
“The show is both confusing [... ] and also deliciously polysexual. Torchwood isn't the gayest show on television, as I first thought, but it is the horniest.”
Tim Teeman, The Times

Wonderland: The 92-Year-Old Danger Junkie, BBC2
“Might well have been the best film of the series so far.”
James Walton, The Daily Telegraph

Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA, C4
“In terms of quality and taste, it's on a level with a microwaved beefburger.”
Thomas Sutcliffe, The Independent
