'The whole thing looks like a massive CGI heavy-metal festival a long time ago.' Read on for more cutting criticism of last night's TV.

Attila the Hun, BBC1
“Here we go then: thousands of computer-generated barbarians swoop through the eastern Roman empire, led by Ian Gillan out of Deep Purple. In fact, the whole thing looks like a massive CGI heavy-metal festival a long time ago.”
Sam Wollaston, The Guardian

Attila the Hun, BBC1
“If this was supposed to chart the rise and fall of Attila the Hun, it failed.”
Tim Teeman, The Times

Attila the Hun, BBC1
“For the most part, this was sub-Braveheart stuff [... ] In one sense it proved remarkable: it took an exciting period of history and managed to make it as dull as horse-droppings.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express

Attila the Hun, BBC1
“Apparently, Attila the Hun was based on contemporary historical records and writings, but you can't honestly say that anyone involved had let that have an inhibiting effect on the drama, a sword-and-sandals epic that matched enterprising visual effects with a deliciously cloth-eared script.”
Thomas Sutcliffe, The Independent

Freaky Eaters: Addicted to Sausages, BBC3
“I'm really struggling to see how it justifies an hour of prime-time telly.”
Sam Wollaston, The Guardian

Wonderland: the End of the World Bus Tour, BBC2
“A clever, awkward film.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express
