“... pathological candy-coated escapism.” Read on for the critics' full verdict on the weekend's TV.

Pushing Daisies, ITV1
“It looks like a paint commercial, has Amélie kookiness, Terry Pratchett fantasty, and death [... ] Some people might mistake all this for some kind of literariness. I think it's just really irritating.”
Sam Wollaston, The Guardian

Pushing Daisies, ITV1
“Pushing Daisies looks as if it has been made by Tim Burton in a good mood. It is Lemony Snicket for grown-ups, A Series of Fortunate Events. If it were only the sort of thing I liked, I think I would like it very much.”
Andrew Billen, The Times

Pushing Daisies, ITV1
“All in all, it's not surprising that the programme's idiosyncrasy can sometimes feel a little self-conscious. Still, if future episodes can relax just a bit, there's enough neat dialogue, deft plot-twisting and sly charm in place to suggest a series worth persisting with.”
James Walton, The Daily Telegraph

Pushing Daisies, ITV1
“Takes quirky to a whole new place.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express

Pushing Daisies, ITV1
“... pathological candy-coated escapism.”
Thomas Sutcliffe, The Independent

Britain's Got Talent, ITV1
“There's no denying that the programme is a reliable source of great TV moments.”
James Walton, The Daily Telegraph

Bear Grylls: Born Survivor, C4
“Oh Bear, you are a ridiculous man.”
Sam Wollaston, The Guardian

The Best of Youth, BBC4
“A reminder of how cinematic TV sagas can be.”
Robert Collins, The Daily Telegraph
