The latest high-profile company to withdraw from IBC 2020 calls on the organiser to rethink its plans to hold the event.

Ross IBC

Ross Video has announced it’s withdrawing from IBC 2020 which is currently planned to go ahead in Amsterdam, 11-14 September.

In a press release revealing its plans, the company said 2020 is proving to be an immensely challenging year for everyone.

It acknowledges that the public health situation is likely to be “more positive” by September but says social distancing rules are likely to remain in force, there will be tightly regulated international travel, large gatherings and events.

Combined, the possibility of visitors to Amsterdam triggering a second wave of infection, and the factors outlined above, have lead Ross Video to cancel its presence at the show.

Ross Video CEO David Ross said: “Everyone wants the world to return to normal as soon as possible, but not at any cost. The media industry has played an important role in spreading and reinforcing the message that social distancing saves lives. It’s therefore incongruous for the same media industry to try and hold one of the world’s first very large international gatherings. We value the IBC exhibition and it’s an important part of our annual calendar, but our approach to the Covid-19 virus has consistently prioritised health and welfare. Our decision today is based on that same principle, and I would call on the organisers of IBC to follow suit, remove any uncertainty, and cancel the event for 2020.”