ITV Studios Entertainment show is produced from semi-permanent studio at Bovingdon Airfield
NEP Connect provided connectivity for the remote production of last night’s Dancing on Ice finale.
The ITV Studios Entertainment produced show is filmed in a purpose-built, semi-permanent studio space at Bovingdon Airfield, a former airfield in Hertfordshire.
NEP Connect (formerly SIS LIVE) installed permanent media fibre to help bring the show to viewers.
NEP Connect’s Anylive fibre network connects more than 150 sport, music and event venues across the UK and has been employed on a large number of live productions.
NEP Connect installed a 1GB Anylive fibre to serve as the main connectivity hub with a satellite truck serving as a backup. The connectivity was established in cooperation with the host OB company Telegenic, to ensure live connectivity for the show every Sunday.
A high-speed managed link was established from the Bovingdon facility allowing a tailored workflow to ITV Studios’ specific post-production requirements for efficient and secure remote ingest.
An additional Anylive hub which was installed, managed and monitored by NEP Connect provided permanent internet broadband for onsite wi-fi for production and the OB crew via a 10GB Anylive pipe. Telephony, corporate internet, security CCTV, comms, 4-wire talkback and connectivity for the crucial public vote team are also provided.
NEP Connect’s Managing Director David Meynell added: “The economic benefits of remote production are readily apparent, but the exciting part - the creative production possibilities - are only beginning to be explored and appear to be almost endless.”
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