Research entity MovieLabs and Hollywood Studios publish 2030 Vision report on production technology

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Hollywood tech leaders have set out their vision for the future of production, in a new report published today by non-profit tech research entity MovieLabs, together with its Hollywood’s member studios.

Movielabs is run by Paramount Pictures Corporation, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., Universal Pictures, Walt Disney Pictures and Television, and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

The 2030 Vision paper says the industry needs to work together now on innovative new software, hardware and production workflows to support and enable new ways to create content over the next ten years.

It says the cloud will be a key part of production and for archive, and sets out principles around security, machine learning and common workflows.

Richard Berger, CEO of MovieLabs, said: “While the next ten years will bring significant opportunities, there are still major challenges and inherent inefficiencies in our production workflows that threaten to limit our future ability to innovate. We have been working closely with studio technology leaders and strategising how to integrate new technologies that empower filmmakers to create ever more compelling content with more speed and efficiency.”

Don Eklund, CTO at Sony Pictures, said: “The Movielabs 2030 document represents the contribution of multiple studios to forecast and embrace the impact that cloud, ML, and a range of hardware and software will have on our industry. We consider this a living document that will evolve over time and provide appreciated insight.”

Vicky Colf, chief technology officer of Warner Bros. Entertainment, said: “The MovieLabs 2030 vision does the important work of focusing on technology tools and processes which enable content creator artistry and ingenuity, while delivering efficiency, agility, and security to the ever evolving production environment.”

The white paper is available for free download on the MovieLabs website -