Latest edition of colouring software is currently in beta testing

Filmlight Baselight 6.0

Filmlight has revealed some of the new features that have been added for Baselight 6.0. 

Currently in beta testing, the colouring software will include a redesigned timeline, a new primary grading tool called X Grade, and a new look development tool, Chromogen. The beta testing includes use by customers on live projects with “complex workflows and creative requirements”.

X Grade is a new primary colour correction tool that allows users to make multiple localised and complex corrections in a single layer – without having to create a key or matte. It aims to ensure that corrections do not result in folds in the colour space, meaning they can be safely copied to shots with a completely different colour palette.

Meanwhile, Chromogen allows users to mimic classic cinematography looks and adapt and modify them to create entirely distinctive imagery - in place of producing looks by blending and editing their existing film-based LUTs. They can create film-based looks from scratch, as well as any new looks outside the popular aesthetic of film.

Jack Jones, colourist and CTO at Roundtable Post, recently used Chromogen to build a new LUT for an upcoming Netflix documentary and explained: “I ended up building the look completely from scratch based on a ‘70’s aesthetic. I built it using 31 different layers within Chromogen. One of the key benefits is that it is almost impossible to ‘break’ the footage with the tool, and you can manipulate the look on a per scene basis if necessary. It’s the equivalent of being able to adjust and fix parts of a LUT.”

Finally, the redesigned timeline includes new functionalities such as track support and a new ‘processing tree overlay’ to provide a clearer view on the underlying node tree that it represents.

Martin Tlaskal, lead developer at FilmLight, said: “Our team has been working tirelessly to bring our customers a release which really moves Baselight forward. We are continuously taking on board feedback from our customers and reviewing the way our community works in reality. We are proud to say that Baselight 6.0 has been shaped around this ongoing feedback and research so it continues to support their unique and creative role as intuitively and effectively as possible.”