AMWA AS-11 X1 is designed for global delivery of UHD air-ready masters, and builds on work DPP has done with UK broadcasters

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The Digital Production Partnership (DPP) has released a new technical specification for global broadcasters delivering UHD programmes: AMWA AS-11 X1 - MXF Programme Contribution DPP UHD.

The DPP worked with the Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA) to build on AMWA AS-11 UK DPP v1.1, the standardised delivery specification for air-ready masters which the DPP has implemented across all the major UK broadcasters.

AMWA AS-11 X1 has been written with the DPP’s international membership in mind and is designed for global delivery of UHD air-ready masters.

The specification is first targeted at UHD deliveries to the BBC iPlayer in 2019.

DPP head of delivery and growth Rowan de Pomerai said: “UHD is ready to become mainstream and its deployment is often being driven by online and OTT platforms first. We’ve worked closely with our members to ensure that our new specification meets these needs, as well as those of linear broadcast.” 

The AMWA AS-11 family of specifications define constrained media file formats for the delivery of finished media assets to a broadcaster or publisher.

AMWA executive director Brad Gilmer said: “It is very rewarding to see the early work on AS-11 for the UK being used as a basis for broader adoption across the industry.”