SNK Studios has lent its voiceover studios, engineers and ISDN lines to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) to help raise funds for the Nepal Earthquake Appeal.
The DEC is a charity fundraising coalition made up of 13 UK aid charities including Oxfam, Save the Children, the British Red Cross, Islamic Relief, Christian Aid and Plan UK.
Last week, SNK hosted Mike Thiedke, director of public engagement at Plan UK and Andrew Hogg, head of media at Christian Aid who spoke with BBC and commercial radio stations across the country.
As of yesterday, Britons had donated £38m to the appeal.
SNK Studios director Seb Juviler said of the pro bono work: “We’re pleased our facilities can be of some use to the DEC in letting the British people know how they can support the work in Nepal - already one of the world’s poorest countries - at this devastating time.”
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