BSkyB director of channels and operations Nicola Bamford confirmed the broadcaster's HD package would feature football as a key plank of the new service when it launches next year. Sky currently screens 100 live matches as season.
The broadcaster is looking to launch a HD offering next year in a bid to attract technology savvy and high earning subscribers. It will also be pitched at publicans who use projectors to coax football fans into their bars.
The service, which will be offered at a premium to Sky's existing movie and sport packages, is also likely to feature films and documentary content. Artsworld, which Sky took 100% control of last month, is also set to feature.
Bamford told delegates at Broadcast's Digital Channel last week that Sky hoped the HD service would finally dispel the misconception that non-terrestrial content is of a lower quality than the terrestrial channels.
HD broadcasts send programmes to the home at a far greater resolution than standard definition television, which both Sky and terrestrial operators currently broadcast.
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