The consultation process began on Friday 10 October and will take 30 days.
Any job losses are expected to affect administration and communications staff but, according to a spokesman for Skillset, will “not affect the industry-facing people that the facilities and other companies are used to dealing with”.
The move is being made in response to government recommendations following the Leitch Review of Skills for the UK released in December 2006.
The recommendations have changed the remit of Skillset and all Sector Skills Councils (SSCs). Part of Skillset's new role will be to ensure that vocational education is demand-led, meaning employers would be directly involved in deciding what training priorities should be.
As Skillset's role has changed, it has said it requires a revised business model.
The spokesman explained: “To meet these new requirements, we must be prudent with our resources. As a result, we are currently reviewing our organisational structure to ensure that resources are being directed in the areas that add most value to the industry.”
He added: “No final decisions regarding redundancies have been made at this stage but,
as far as possible, we hope to maintain the highest levels of service to our industry stakeholders.”
Skillset is also currently setting up a Facilities Skills Council and is looking for key industry figures to volunteer.
The group will set Skillset's strategy for the facilities sector, act as expert advisors on facilities issues and provide a forum and response for discussion on issues raised by the industry.
The membership will comprise up to 12 key industry players. Skillset is looking to get a good split of people from inside and outside London.
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