Root6 has signed a reseller agreement with content storage firm Front Porch Digital.
Root6 will distribute Front Porch’s line-up of products for managing media content, including DIVArchive, Samma and the cloud-based Lynx service.
“Given the number of our existing clients in the region and the growth opportunities we foresee there, we needed a local partner to assist us,” said managing director of Front Porch Digital International Rino Petricola.
“Root6 has great credibility and is well-respected in the market, so it will be an invaluable partner not only at every stage of the sales cycle, but also for delivering to and supporting our clients even more closely,” added Petricola.
Sales director at Root6 Mark Jackson said: “Front Porch Digital has more than a decade of experience at the heart of file-based workflows and is the leader in the field, so being able to offer Front Porch Digital products really strengthens our already high-quality portfolio.”
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