Rogue Element Films is hoping to attract more TV producers by offering up its inventory of lenses and 35mm support equipment for hire via a dedicated rental service.

The digital cinematography and equipment hire firm is making its Zeiss DigiPrime and DigiZoom lenses available via Rogue Element Lenses.

Support kit will include Ronford Atlas heads, Arri MB20 and FF5 kits plus filtration and dioptres.

“With the ever increasing demands to shoot at higher quality that such high levels of equipment and service are vital in securing quick turnarounds for productions,” explained a Rogue Element Fillms spokesperson.

“Rogue is the only company in the UK to own every single Zeiss lens available and as such is in a unique position in which to service all TV based B4 2/3 productions with the very best lenses and support kit available.”

Rogue Element Films is based in Pinewood Studios and provides high definition digital camera services to the film and television industries.