News agency Reuters has launched its first interactive TV channel for the UK market, delivering news stories over the internet into the home. The service has already been launched in the US and will use the latest video news footage sourced from Reuters' 197 worldwide bureaux. Chris Ahearn, president of Reuters Media, said that it would be the 'first in a series of new consumer services we will be launching this year'. The service will operate through Windows XP Media Centre 2005 Online Spotlight.
News agency Reuters has launched its first interactive TV channel for the UK market, delivering news stories over the internet into the home. The service has already been launched in the US and will use the latest video news footage sourced from Reuters' 197 worldwide bureaux. Chris Ahearn, president of Reuters Media, said that it would be the 'first in a series of new consumer services we will be launching this year'. The service will operate through Windows XP Media Centre 2005 Online Spotlight.