An ITV source confirmed that it had received interest in licensing the satirical comedy format to international broadcasters and Red Vision VFX managing director Dave Mousley said: “We would partner with a local producer to keep the script topical, but we'd produce the core CG.”
Red Vision VFX already has links with Toronto-based vfx firm C4 Studios and Australian effects specialist Vue.
“Our plan is to have a wholly-owned Red Vision or associate company in a number of locations,” explained Mousley. “Instead of growing into a monolith housing 500 people in one place, we'd have 50 to 150 people in locations across the globe.”
Mousley is one of a group of Red Vision VFX Ltd directors who recently affected a management buyout from Inspired Gaming Group. The latter acquired Red Vision Ltd and its gaming technology subsidiary, Virtual Racing Systems, in 2006 for£20m.
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