Quantel has released updated software for its Pablo Rio finishing system that adds support for XAVC and ProRes 422.
The eighth release of the software this year focuses on integration into post pipelines, and also includes support for the latest Red cameras and conform of Avid effects.
Apple ProRes 422 support includes encoding to ProRes 4444, ProRes 422 (HQ), ProRes 422, ProRes 422 (LT) and ProRes 422 (proxy).
The new software also supports conform of Avid DVE metadata.
This means that any DVE picture flips, flops, resizes and rotations made during Avid offline will now transfer directly into Pablo Rio and Pablo PA, which Quantel said would “free up valuable time in the online session to do more or to produce a more polished deliverable”.
The inclusion of the latest Red V5.0 SDK also enables support for Dragoncolor and Redgamma4.
Other features include Mocha Tracker DVE homography, providing the ability to track an object and pin the tracking data onto a shape that is changing over time.
“Pablo Rio continues to race ahead with yet more new developments that maintain its pre-eminent position as the color and finishing system of choice for 4K and beyond,” said Quantel marketing director Steve Owen.
V2.0 rev9 software for Pablo Rio and Pablo PA is available now.
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