Grade, audio and online for a 6 x 30-minute series that coincides with The Salvation Army’s 150th anniversary and explores O’Grady’s lifelong passion for the organisation.
Post Fifty Fifty
Client Potato and Olga TV
Brief Grade, audio and online for a 6 x 30-minute series that coincides with The Salvation Army’s 150th anniversary and explores O’Grady’s lifelong passion for the organisation.
How it was done Shot in Log colour space and filmed in the UK and internationally, Potato and Olga TV asked for a bright and cheery grade, which colourist Kenny Gibb achieved using Fifty Fifty’s Baselight suite. The series was onlined by Julian Nelson in Symphony using the Baselight Editions plug-in. This allowed a renderless workflow between the systems and gave Nelson the further tools he needed for painting, tracking and blurring. Nag Kirinde mixed the audio in Fifty Fifty’s Avid Pro Tools suite using the S6 console.
Watch it Sundays, 6pm, BBC1
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