Opinion – Page 268

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    TV Critics 29 April ‘09


    “Though it had the typical lightweight BBC3 presentation this wasn't that bad a stab at the issues behind the trade in famous female flesh.” Read on for the full verdict on last night's TV.

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    Blog: Chris Moyles - enough is enough


    Paul Gambaccini has launched a fresh attack on Radio 1 DJ Chris Moyles. But is he right to call the breakfast jock a 'bully', asks Robert Shepherd.

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    TV Critics 28 April ‘09


    “It's all as daft as a brush, cardboard cut-out characters delivering card-board cut-out lines.” Read on for the full verdict on last night's TV.

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    Off Cuts: Bafta TV awards


    Broadcastnow went backstage at the Bafta TV awards 2009 to capture some candid moments with David Attenborough, Harry Hill, Harry Enfield and Dermot O'Leary, amongst others.

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    TV Critics 24 April '09


    “It's bleak but brilliant telly - an honest portrait of being a single young mum on benefits.” Read on for the full verdict on last night's TV.

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    Blog: He's on the 'volleyball'


    Travelling the globe to film the Swatch FIVB Beach Volleyball World Tour may sound like a gig packed with sun, sand and well-toned bodies. But as Alex Gale is finding out there are a few logistical problems to say the least.

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    TV Critics 23 April ‘09


    “So far, it's been fine, but not exactly vintage stuff... and decidedly short on YouTube gold, the sort of jaw-dropping, did-you-see-that-bit moment that gets a series talked about the next day.” Read on for the full verdict on last night's TV.

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    Showmanship not enough for ITV


    What a week for Britain’s biggest commercial broadcaster. ITV has gone from world domination with singing sensation Susan Boyle, to TV’s consummate showman planning to step down early from the executive chairman role.

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    A hit across all platforms


    Susan Boyle's dramatic rise is a perfect example of a multimedia crossover.

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    Talking Point


    Last week we asked: Is the ‘crown jewels' sports list past its sell-by date?24% said Yes 76% said No

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    Broadcast letters: issue 24 April 2009


    ITV is always on the lookout for hit shows

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    In My View: The cost of whistle-blowing is a high price to pay


    The cost of whistle-blowing is a high price to pay, says Jan Tomalin.

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    Emily Bell: Channel 4's quiet success story


    The 4iP project could be a milestone for public service provision.

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    Love & Loathe: The Inbetweeners and Kirstie's Homemade Home


    The InbetweenersThursdays, 10pm, E4

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    You the Jury: Michael Massey and Steve Green


    Michael Massey and Steve Green review the latest TV shows.

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    TV Critics 22 April ‘09


    “This is about as responsible as programmes about overweight people get.” Read on for the full verdict on last night's TV.

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    Finding the positives


    While NAB 2009 may not be quite as busy as previous years in terms of either visitors or exhibitors, those that are here are making the most of a difficult job.

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    Blog: Is Carter ready for Northern Ireland PSB debate?


    Lord Carter stops off in Belfast this week so those interested in PSB in Northern Ireland can only hope that he's already well across this nation's perspectives on the subject, writes Ruth O'Reilly.

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    TV Critics 21 April ‘09


    “Watching Ashes to Ashes is rather like watching a drama about a New Jersey Mafia family called the Altos; it never quite hits the same sublime notes as the original.” Read on for the full verdict on last night's TV.

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    Blog: Bring back Brand


    Russell Brand returned to the airwaves last night, six months after his resignation from the BBC over the Sachsgate scandal. Now give the man a permanent slot, writes Michael Rosser.