A wide collection of broadcasters, studio, post-production and new digital media companies have come together under the umbrella of East London Business Alliance's (ELBA) London Legacy 2020 to meet the Olympic Delivery Authority and explore the potential to build the International Broadcast Centre and Main Press Centre (IBC/MPC) for the London Olympics in a way that will make it attractive also to post-Games tenants.
The potential for a new digital media village is possible due to the provision of heavy duty power supplies, transport connectivity and a robust communications infrastructure all being built for the Games.
Over 30 companies are involved in the discussion including Bafta, BT, DTG, Filmax UK, Qualcomm, Red Bee Media and Thomson Reuter. London Legacy 2020 will also look to work with the recently announced development consortium, Carillion and Igloo. The TUC also supports the initiative and the group is keen to welcome interest from other companies with an interest in exploring the options.
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