The shooting of the five part TwoFour Broadcast series, which started on Sky One on Saturday (17 January), follows in the wake of successful HD recordings of BBC3's sitcom Clone and Sky Sport's The Cesc Fabregas Show.
Fronted by Noel Edmonds, Noel's HQ aims to inspire, encourage and empower viewers to contribute to life in Britain.
The live show was successfully piloted at BBC Studios last year and taps into the frustration felt by viewers who perceive the UK changing for the worse and their communities, and therefore their lives, changing forever.
Mariana Spater, managing director of Fountain Studios, said: "We are delighted to be welcoming Noel's HQ and TwoFour Broadcast to Fountain Studios and look forward to using our new high definition facilities to create a prestigious live prime time show for Sky."
Fountain Studios spent more than £1m on a studio re-fit last year, bringing in Sony HDC1500 HD cameras, a Sony MVS 8000G video switcher, a Pro Bel router and Ikegami monitors.
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