All News articles – Page 4633
Yeo's TV-licence idea stinks, but at least he's had an idea
There's a little game doing the rounds of us journalistic types at the moments. It's called Name Me a Policy of th...
Vivendi dives 23% despite Water sale to Deutsche Bank
Shares in the French media group Vivendi Universal took a pasting yesterday even though the company started selling...
Telewest unsure over Liberty Media offer
Telewest's board yesterday said it did not have enough information to decide whether it could recommend Liberty Med...
Investors' fears put Martha Stewart in a spin
Martha Stewart, the American home-making queen at the centre of an insider-trading probe, saw shares in her busines...
Vivendi chief under fire as shares slump
Murdoch move blows Messier balance sheet rescue plan off-course. ...
Martha Stewart shares slip
Martha Stewart, America's answer to Delia Smith, saw shares in her media empire slump by another 20 per cent yester...
Renegotiation may delay News Corp's Italian pay-TV plan
The News Corporation, the international media group, last night faced a potential threat to its plans to expand its...
Everyone's a winner
Out-of-home World Cup viewers boost advertiser's value. But that's fine with ITV ...
Dancing to an older tune
Buoyed by the success of is over-50s far in the West Midlands, Saga Radio is now hoping to oust the analogue Libert...
Dreaming in digital
Put to the test: two cheap set-top boxes. Will they kick-start digital take-up? ...
Lord Puttnam presides
The chief scrutineer of the Comms Bill aims to bolster the UK's defences. The joint scrutiny committee overseeing t...
Siemens given 3G go-ahead in China
The Chinese government has given Siemens, the German technology group, and Datang, its Chinese partner, the go-ahea...
AOL to cede control of users to Advance
AOL Time Warner will cede control of about 2.1m cable subscribers to Advance/Newhouse, the magazine and newspaper p...
Pressure rises on Messier as investors quake
There is no respite for Jean-Marie Messier, chief-executive of Vivendi Universal. Shares in the indebted French me...
Dyke looks to market forces
Greg Dyke, BBC director general, yesterday admitted that subscription television channels - some from BBC's own com...
Steve acts the goat
Snooker star Steve Davis plays a silly billy as he films a TV role with his co-star ' a goat. ...
It's all change, chucks
Blind Date is changing its selection process as part of a major revamp to boost flagging ratings. ...
Hugh & Cry
A new BBC television series is shaping up to be one of the most controversial of the year. ...
Hungry ITV has the stomach for a fight
ITV Sport is responding to its huge ratings defeat in head-to-head England matches against the BBC with an aggressi...
Anna saves blast-off for the Beeb
Anna Kournikova was branded 'pathetic' after throwing a temper tantrum on television and threatening to walk out of...