All News articles – Page 4559
Cheeky credit card debtor nets a profit
A TV producer who set up a website to ask for help in paying off her credit card debits has received£2,620 ...
BBC urged to report on 'Labour hackers'
The BBC was challenged yesterday to publish the findings of internal investigations into claims that Downing Street...
Little of value in Sky's bargain basement
Sky's coverage of the Nationwide League is poor value for money ...
BBC wrong to turn back on shooting stars
The corporation's coverage of shooting at the Commonwealth Games was scandalous. ...
SMG eyes Virgin Radio expansion
SMG is looking to further develop its Virgin Radio brand by tabling a bid for the proposed west midlands FM licence, writes Colin Robertson
Face it Jon you've lost
Big Brother runner-up Jonny Regan has lost again on another bizarre TV gameshow. ...
It's lovely being called Corrie's new Elsie Tanner...she's an icon
The Jones girl who spells big trouble in th street. ...
Soap opera
It's contemporary, it's controversial, and it has been written especially for TV. But can Jonathan Dove's new oper...
Would-be TV idol needs more gravitas and a lot less ego
The race to succeed Jeremy Vine as Newsnight's regular third presenter - News Idol, if you will - is proving as tou...
BBC doubts over Neil on Newsnight
Andrew Neil may be asked to give up his position as a newspaper executive if he becomes a regular presenter of the ...
Would you buy a car from this man?
Losses at The Guardian are offset by profits from car advertising. Raymond Snoddy talks to Bob Phillis, the chief ...
Fern's£1/2m reward for a good morning
Fern Britton has been rewarded with a deal worth more than£500,000 for reversing the decline of ITV's This Morning...
Camera deals knockout blow to Irish runner's hopes
The camera grows ever more intrusive in sport as Paul Brizzel, an Irish 200 metres runner, discovered to his cost y...
Walmsey gets top job at TV ratings board
The television industry is poised to oust the chairman of Barb, the industry body that measures audiences, after a ...
Telewest cables SOS to bankers over debt
Telewest, the debt-ridden cable group, has formally asked its bankers to allow talks to go ahead on restructuring i...
Track farce as sprinter has to dodge TV camera
Running on the outside lane, the 25-year old from Ballymena had to take evasive action 10 metres into his race as a...
EMI sues AOL Time over music rights
The publishing arm of EMI is suing AOL Time Warner in the US, claiming that the world's largest media company has b...
Media group shake-up continues
Bertelsmann, the privately owned German media group, announced a further management shake-up yesterday by transferr...