All News articles – Page 4463
Pace boss seeks calmer waters
Malcolm Miller, chief executive of Pace Micro Technology announced his resignation yesterday ...
BSkyB recruits heavyweight non-execs
BSkyB is preparing to recruit three new heavyweight independent non-executive directors ...
Victory for TV Donal
Undercover reporter Donaal MacIntyre yesterday won a£250,000 libel action against a police force which rubbished h...
Channel 5 owner admits profiting from Nazi era
Bertelsmann rose to become one of the world's most influential corporations with the help of a big lie ...
Off The Record - Spending power.
Many readers will be familiar with commercial TV operators' complaints that the BBC has too much
Off The Record - Fancy footwork.
Last week was meant to be chill-out time for Jazz FM mid-morning presenter Jon Scragg, who
Off The Record - Run for the exit.
OTR is sad to say that the man behind the famous That's Life 'sausages' talking dog
Off The Record - Bras galore.
Meanwhile, word is that new VH1 supremo Sally Habbershaw has already been making an impact at
Off The Record - Post from Mr Angry.
Rumours reach OTR that those masters of customer service at NTL have pushed one customer too
Off The Record - Is Winton too cool for his own good?
Tempermental talent is always prone to get hot under the collar, but poor old Dale Winton
INTERVIEW - Eye of the Tiger.
Tiger Aspect's head of drama Greg Brenman has an eye for spotting drama that will succeed, and tough times in the business have not dampened his spirit
CHANNEL REPORT - Sci-Fi's success is no work of fiction.
In the seven years since its launch, the Sci-Fi Channel has thrown off any nerdy associations to become an original and dynamic programming force
TX - Behind closed doors.
The desire to make a film about domestic violence but not to replicate the familiar mix
ON THE BOX - The fat of the land.
Ginger Television senior producer Stephen Joel needs more than make-up and big specs to make him laugh, he needs fatties getting fit
AUDIENCE MEASUREMENT - Measuring up to ratings.
It's been a turbulent year for ratings outfits Barb and Rajar. And to make things worse, alternatives to their 'gold standard' audience measurement services are springing up
NEWS ANALYSIS - What next for ITV?
Has ITV bottomed out? There's now more money for drama, the badly needed restructure can't be far off, the BBC is under pressure to restrain its competitive zeal and there are signs of an advertising recovery
TRADE TALK - A natural choice?
A lack of programming experience may not stop the well regarded acting Channel 5 chief exec Nick Milligan from taking over permanently
How Auntie gets her own way.
There is a familiar scenario emerging in this industry. Commercial companies come up with a bold