All News articles – Page 4329
KO for boxing celebs
The Office star Ricky Gervais may have thrown the last ever punch in the BBC's celeb boxing bouts ...
Gardam warns against C4 privatisation
Channel 4 should not be privatised as it would severely undermine the station's unique role as a public service broadcaster, according to director of television Tim Gardam writes David Wood
BBC turns to Open University
The Open University is to make peaktime programmes for BBC 1 as the corporation takes urgent action to increase its...
TV trivia is our weakest link, says head
Programmes such as The Weakest Link are damaging pupils and threatening the stability of society, according to the ...
Granada and Carlton are a turn off
It was grim day for investors in Granada and Carlton yesterday ...
'Play it safe' TV narrows choice
Broadcasters have admitted that the proliferation of soaps, drama series and game shows has led to a narrower range...
After the break, the bad news from ITV
Advertising income expected to fall as viewers desert commercial channels ...
BBC signs deal with al-Jazeera
The BBC has signed a news-gathering deal with Qatar-based channel al-Jazeera ...
TV 'plays safe with soaps and neglects innovation'
Research by one of Britain's most senior media executives has confirmed the extent to which broadcasters rely on tr...
Is the BBC now too trivial to justify its licence fee?
Why does the corporation seem to be pandering to the lowest common denominator? ...
Heart attack Nigel is told: quit cigs or die
Popstars judge 'Nasty' Nigel Lythgoe was last night told: quit smoking or your next heart attack could kill you. ...
Fat TV has gut to stop
A new reality TV show that takes fat singles on a Cuib 18-30 holiday has been attacked by WeightWatchers as 'deeply...
Will he escape the curse of Granada?
Kelly's career hung in the balance last night as ITV chiefs met to decide his future. ...
I'm innocent says Kelly as he goes back to the panto
TV host's denial after he is arrested and quizzed in child sex probe. ...
Has tired TV turned off the inspoiration switch?
Cautious networks won't take chances with new shows, says executive. ...
ITV duo fall on ads fears
fears over a sharp downturn in ITV advertising had investors switching off prospective broadcasting merger partners...
Comedy Awards producer quits
Alex Hardcastle, who produces ITV's The British Comedy Awards on behalf of Noel Edmonds' Unique Communications Group, is leaving his job, writes Colin Robertson