All News articles – Page 4217
Why radio is king again
Tonight the Radio Academy is marking the outstanding talents of British radio performers ...
Thank your lucky stars
An army major and his wife were spared prison yesterday after being found guilty of cheating their way to the top p...
TV club Luke fired for smoking dope
Dopey barman Luke Wharton has been thrown off reality TV show The Club for smoking cannabis in full view of the cam...
John Willis heads to the BBC
The BBC has coaxed former United Productions chief executive John Willis back to the UK to become the corporation's new director of factual and learning, writes Leigh Holmwood
TWG searches for new voice with Chat Idol
The Wireless Group (TWG) is pre-empting a decision on the West Midlands FM licence by launching Chat Idol - a Pop Idol style competition to find a new voice to front a show on its planned service, writes Michael Rosser
Major loses Millionaire case
British Army major Charles Ingram has been found guilty, along with his wife Diana and lecturer Tecwen Whittock, of cheating their way the jackpot on hit TV quiz Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, writes Paul Revoir
BBC2 gets twice-weekly 'BBC4 Zone'
The BBC is to give programmes from its digital arts channel BBC4 a twice-weekly airing on BBC2 as of tomorrow (8 April), in a bid to promote the channel and to drive digital takeup, writes Luke Satchell
David Jason to receive Bafta Fellowship
Actor David Jason, best known for his role as loveable rogue Del Boy in the BBC's Only Fools And Horses, is to be honoured by The British Academy of Film and Television (BAFTA) on Suday (13 April) with a British Academy Fellowship, writes Luke Satchell
UK dominates Euro promo awards
British companies dominated this year's Promax & BDA Europe awards for promotion and design, winning gold in 22 of 49 categories, writes Will Strauss
BBC to discuss bringing Simpson home
The BBC will hold talks with world affairs editor John Simpson this afternoon over whether the veteran correspondent should return to the UK after he was injured in a 'friendly fire' incident in northern Iraq yesterday, which saw the death of his translator, writes Leigh ...
Switch-off target achievable says report
The government's analogue switch-off target - which has been derided as highly ambitious since its was first tabled in 1999 - can be achieved according to a major new report by the BBC and the Independent Television Commission, writes Paul Revoir
Community Channel switch to original programming
The Community Channel, the charity TV service headed by Carlton chairman Michael Green, is moving into original programming and has signed up popular faces such as Vanessa Feltz and Dr Hilary Jones, writes Rosemary Gallagher
Robbie's pal finds Frame as Lisa quits
Robbie Williams's best pal Jonathan Wilkes will host ITV1's You've Been Framed after Lisa Riley quit the show. ...
I saw the bomb flying toward me
Veteran BBC war reporter John Simpson, who has so often expressed his wish to die working rather than end his days ...
Simpson: 'This is like a scene from hell. There are bodies all around'
BBC world affairs editor John Simpson witnesses 'friendly-fire' attack ...
ITV seeks a Saturday night special
ITV1 is hoping that a new hard-hitting police drama will arrest the decline in its Saturday night ratings ...
'The UK media has lost the plot? it's the equivalent of reality TV'
Air Marshall Brian Burridge talks to Rachel Sylvester ...