All News articles – Page 4215
The Ark's BBC snub
The BBC has been taken off air on HMS Ark Royal amid claims of pro-Iraqi bias ...
Hands off our soaps
ITV hit out in fury last night after being accused by telly watchdogs of screening too much soap ...
Time to call 'cut' on Hollywood
Terrestrial broadcasters should reduce their dependence on blockbuster movies ...
Three foreign journalists killed in office attacks
Three foreign journalists were killed and five injured in Baghdad yesterday after their offices came under fire fro...
Time to call 'cut' on Hollywood
Terrestrial broadcasters should reduce their dependence on blockbuster movies, says Graham McCann ...
Disney to test digital video delivery
Walt Disney plans to start live tests this year on a digital home video distribution system that could bypass conve...
Murdoch set to gain control of GM's DirecTV
Deal for North American satelitte group ends lengthy pursuit by media mogul ...
Jowell to defy peers over Five
Defiant Tessa Jowell has signalled she is ready to take on peers now threatening to bar Rupert Murdoch from taking over Channel 5, writes David Rose
Radio Academy honours DJs
Noel Edmonds, Tony Blackburn and Alan 'Fluff' Freeman were among the line up of influential DJs inaugurated into the Radio Academy's first Hall of Fame last night, writes Michael Rosser
ITC confirms BBC complaint
The Independent Television Commission (ITC) has confirmed it has received an official representation from the BBC asking it to adjudicate in the increasingly bitter battle with Sky over its electronic programme guide (EPG), writes Leigh Holmwood
Sky nears golf rights monopoly
Armchair golf-fans without Sky are facing the prospect of a drought on their screens - after BSkyB yesterday signed a rights extension deal for a host of the sport's top events, writes Luke Satchell
Microsoft attempts to take Broadcast market
Software giant Microsoft will make yet another attempt to tap into markets beyond the personal computer by proving that its digital video and audio format is a standard for professional broadcasters, writes Will Strauss
Thomson ready to replace tape VTRs with digital recorders
Manufacturer Thomson Broadcast has introduced a digital VTR at NAB that threatens to make tape based mechanical VTRs obsolete, writes Will Strauss
Charlotte's got Angus TV quiz slot
Teen singing star Charlotte Church is to sit in for axed Angus Deayton in the Have I Got News For You hot seat. ...
More live games on way
If you think there is situation football coverage on Tv already, you ain't seen nothing yet. ...
Crazy Chris cost our station£20m
DJ Chris Evans cost Viring Radio more than£20 million in less than three years as his drink fuelled behaviour spi...
Cameron Diaz, I presume
When a BBC camera crew went to film in the rain forests of Belize they hoped to come across some exotice creatures....
Sniff out a TV prize
ITV are offering a nose job to the winner of their latest makeover show. ...