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    Mentorn signs Canadian co-pro deal.


    Indie Mentorn has signed a production and distribution deal with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) that will see it co-produce four landmark documentary series over the next four years, writes Leigh Holmwood.

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    BBC director general Greg Dyke is to send around 1,500 managers on a new training course

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    RDFI moves in on C4I's business.


    Factual distributor RDF International (RDFI) has approached around eight key Channel 4 producers in a bid to form a 'distribution club' ahead of new legislation that will allow producers to hold onto programme rights, writes Penny Hughes.

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    Freeview platform may overtake Sky by 2005.


    Almost 4 million households will have Freeview by the end of the year and more people will have access to it than Sky by 2005, according to one of the biggest suppliers of set-top box software, writes Rosemary Gallagher.

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    ITV pushes on with back-room merger.


    The back-room merger of Carlton and Granada continued this week as the pair announced that all

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    C4 sets up 4 Broadband channel.


    Channel 4 is launching a factual and entertainment broadband channel, 4 Broadband, to showcase programmes and clips from the broadcaster's back-catalogue, writes Penny Hughes.

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    Big Brother house stays open till 2008.


    Big Brother is set to stay on British screens until at least 2008, even if ratings fall for the main Channel 4 show, according to the C4 executive in charge of it, write Leigh Holmwood and Paul Revoir.

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    Carlton and Granada to buy NTL out of ITV News.


    Carlton and Granada are to take full control of the ITV News Channel by buying out NTL Europe's 35% stake, writes Paul Revoir.

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    Live TV to make its comeback on Sky.


    Live TV, the infamous cable television channel that gave the world News Bunny and Topless Darts,

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    INDIE BUSINESS - Pioneer spreads the factual bug.


    Pioneer Productions sealed its reputation with programming about earth sciences, cosmology and the weather but, since then, fast turn-around documentaries on subjects such as Sars have been in demand.

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    Radio consolidation in doubt after merger block


    City analysts are re-evaluating the worth of UK radio companies following the competition commission's decision to block GWR's£12.5m deal to merge Bristol based dance station Vibe with Galaxy 101, writes Paul Revoir

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    ITV comedy output bolstered


    ITV is to take its comedy output upmarket with a raft of new edgier shows, including a series of three one-off comedy plays, writes Leigh Holmwood in Montreux

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    Radio advertising to stay flat, signals Capital


    Capital Radio yesterday became the latest media company to warn it saw no immediate signs of an improvement in the ...

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    BBC admits bias in cardinal story


    The BBC has admitted that a report on Radio 4's Today programme about Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor and an allege...

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    Capital Radio hit by slump in ad sales


    Capital Radio yesterday admitted dire advertising sales knocked 24 per cento ff first-half profits and said demand ...

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    The BBC's£3m-a-year hideaway (paid for by YOU)


    BBC boss Greg Dyke yesterday used an extraordinary 'Big Brother' broadcast to announce plans to spend£3million a y...

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    BECTU calls for industry code of conduct


    Broadcasting union Bectu has called on commissioning editors to create a code of practice for independent producers they work with to tackle issues like gender and ethnic discrimination, writes Rosemary Gallagher

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    Dyke defends BBC away days


    BBC director general Greg Dyke yesterday hit back at claims that he has resurrected the bureaucratic regime of pred...

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    After 20 years, Curly Watts is waving goodbye


    Curly Watts is leaving Coronation Street after two decades ...

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    Is this the most immoral street in Britain?


    Social scientists claim that real life is more sordid than TV soaps ...